Hello and welcome!
Our small and dedicated team of Playworkers are totally committed to providing a safe, nurturing and fun environment for all our Afty children.
Many of our Playworkers are currently Teaching Assistants at Notre Dame Primary School - sometimes it can be good to see a familiar face!
We're really looking forward to getting to know you.
Everything you need to know....

We meet the children in the school playground at 3pm - our meeting place is currently in the MUGA.
It's a great idea to let your class teacher know what day you'll be attending the Afty
so they can help to make sure your child gets to the right place.
Our staff will collect the younger children in P1 and P2 from the class lines until they’re feeling confident and comfortable finding their own way. We assemble right beside the lower school lines to help with this.
From the school playground we'll walk to our base in the Scout Hall, or, if the weather is good, we'll head to Dowanhill Park.
The Scout Hall address is: First Glasgow Scout Hall, 4 Victoria Circus, Dowanhill, G12 9LD.
We really encourage outdoor play and love to spend part of our session in the park if the weather allows.
We ask that you make sure your child has suitable outdoor clothing for the walk to the Scout Hall and spending time outside, (warm waterproof coat/fleece/wellies when it’s cold and wet, or sun hat and sun cream for hot, sunny days).
As you'll know, outdoor play can sometimes get dirty.
If you wish to protect your child’s school uniform please provide splash proof trousers which can be worn over their clothing and we'll give them a hand to put them on.
When the weather is sunny, we offer all the children factor 50 sun cream if they haven't got their own.
We will never force a child to apply sun cream if they do not wish to do so or if you have asked us not to due to allergies etc.
We will also keep in touch with you throughout the session by sending you a text message to let you know where we are or what we're up to (for example, in the park or in the Scout hall), and you'll always be
notified when there is a change of venue if weather conditions change.
We provide a healthy snack and water for the children (fruit kebabs and sushi were the favourites from last term!).
You are of course welcome to supplement this with a healthy snack from home too.
We have a healthy eating policy in place and ask that you do not give your children sweets or chocolate as they will not be allowed to eat them at the Afty and we will ask that the treats are kept in their bags until they’re collected.
Any snacks from home must NOT contain nuts.
Our staff will be aware of any medical requirements or allergies you've shared with us in the
Registration form and in the Individual Care Plan form.
If you haven't completed an Individual Care Plan, you'll find one in the documents section
or we'll happily email one to you.
If your child requires prescription medicine during a session, you will need to complete a
Medication Authorisation Form which you can also find on our documents page.
Please don't forget to inform us if your child is going to be absent.
It is very important to let us know if your child will not be attending the Afty.
We have a daily register of all pre-booked children and will not leave the playground until everyone is accounted for.
If a child we're expecting does not arrive for registration at 3pm
we will assume they're missing and carry out our missing child procedure.
We ask that you do not allow your child to bring any electronic devices, cash or other valuables to Afty
as we cannot be held responsible for any lost or damaged items.
However, we know that children in P6 and P7 will have school ipads and may also need to have a mobile phone.
We are currently reviewing our policy on the use of these devices for homework - please let us know your thoughts!
We offer a limited number of short notice sessions on an AD HOC, day to day basis.
An ad hoc session must be booked 24 hours in advance.
The fee is £16 and places are subject to availability.
Please phone or text the Afty mobile to book a place (07464 841482).
Ad hoc days will be invoiced at the end of each month.
Please collect your child promptly by 6pm (5.30pm on Wednesdays) from the location that's
been texted to you (either the Scout hall or the park).
Although COVID restrictions have been lifted, we have chosen to maintain a number of our enhanced protective measures
and we are still discouraging parents and carers from entering the Scout hall unnecessarily.
For the moment, when you arrive to collect your child a member of staff will
meet you at the door and bring your child out to you.
If you're in a hurry, you can text the Afty mobile to let staff know you're on your way so they can get your child ready to leave.
We also ask that parents and carers maintain a safe distance from other families
outside the Scout hall when collecting their children.
Please could you let us know if you are going to be late. (Late fees apply).
We also have enhanced cleaning measures in place and have carried out a thorough
COVID risk assessment which is regularly updated.
We totally understand that circumstances and work patterns change and we will always endeavour to accommodate any changes to your booking, with sufficient notice and subject to availability.
Unfortunately unused days cannot be carried forward or swapped and we cannot issue refunds.
We also require four weeks notice if you wish to cancel your place.

Thank you!