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Our aims

The staff at the Notre Dame Primary After School Club follow a

Playwork methodology which aims to enable children to play on their own terms.

We continuously check that the service is meeting the principles of Getting It Right for Every Child (also known as GIRFEC).

GIRFEC which was set up by the Scottish Government and is a national approach to working in a consistent way with all children. 

The approach enables services to focus on what makes a positive difference for the children and what services can do to improve.
There are eight wellbeing indicators at the heart of GIRFEC.  

They are: safe; healthy; achieving; nurtured; active; respected; responsible; and included.

They are often referred to as the SHANARRI indicators.

We use these indicators to assess how the Afty makes a positive difference for children.

We also follow the Playwork Principles (The Playwork Principles, Play Scotland),

which set out to describe what is unique about play and playwork, and provide the playwork perspective for working with children.

Principle 2 states that, ‘Play is a process that is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated’.

That is, children determine and control the content and intent of their play by following their own instincts,

ideas and interests, in their own way and for their own reasons.
In practice this means that we facilitate children’s play through providing resources and support when needed

rather than directing children or giving them reasons for doing things.

Notre Dame Primary After School Club also aims to meet the requirements of the

Health and Social Care Standards, My Support My Life.

Play & learn: Who We Are
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drawing happy face

Afty mobile: 07464 841482

Care Inspectorate Registration number:  CS2021000056

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©2020 by Notre Dame Primary After School Club.

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